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COVID-19 is the illness caused by a novel, or new, coronavirus first identified in Wuhan, China, in late 2019. The virus is SARS-Co-V-2, and the disease the virus causes, coronavirus disease 2019, is abbreviated as COVID-19. Public health officials are monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak, which is a public health emergency and on March 11 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. FPHA has listed below creditable resource and sites to provide helpful resources, tips, tools, latest news, and info-graphics for our community to use.  

Florida Department of Health COVID-19 website has up to date information about number of cases, travel bans, and recommendations for healthcare providers, workplaces, and communities. 

Center for Disease Control's website is updated frequently with national information. 

American Public Health Association's dedicated page to COVID-19

Click Here for some helpful info-graphics 

American Nurses Foundation, Nurses House has established a fund for registered nurses nationwide affected by COVID-19. We will be providing a $1,500 grant per nurse who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, is out of work due a family member with COVID-19, or who is under work mandated quarantine. Please click here to apply for help. 

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Alachua, FL 32615

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